I like to be transparent! All of the recipes on this site I have either created, or have credited to the original author (when I know who that is!). Some recipes I have found online, some in cookbooks, and some have just been given to me by friends and family. I note when they are changed in any way to make them useful for this audience -- to be both Kosher and Low Sodium.
Please note that some of the links on this site are affiliate links and if you click through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link to these companies and their products because they meet my standards for Kosher Supervision AND fall into my standard of Low Sodium. Please consult with your own Local Rabbi to determine if these products meet YOUR Kashrut standard. Please consult with your personal Medical professional to determine if these products meet your health needs.
I link to these products and companies because of their quality and because it has usually taken me months to track down products that work for the Kosher Low Sodium diet. I don\'t link to these because of the commission I receive from your purchases. In fact, often the links are to Amazon or other sites which don\'t have the lowest prices. The idea is to show you what the product is so that you can find it in your local supermarket for the best price available to you.
I want to share my knowledge of KosherLoSo products with you so you can be informed. The decision to purchase is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something from my links is completely up to you. Either way, I hope you find the information useful!